ok, so it's monday morning, I'm up, having my morning coffee, and trying to figure out something fairly interesting to blog about this morning. I am very ambivalent about Mondays, the weekend is over, time to go out and bring home the bacon! Would love to hear others thoughts on how they balance the need to work a traditional ,boring job, and trying to become self sufficient as an artist. On my end, the day starts with trying to wake up the 17 year old for school, feeding her baby girl while she showers (ah yes the modern family, grandma, teen mom, and baby make 3!) drinking coffee, and maybe getting inspired enough to create a masterpiece??? all the while catching up on old episodes of America's Got Talent....Off to the grind at 2:00 p.m, hoping to get discovered as the next great undiscovered talent...(or just sell something LOL)
Will be updating my blogs and showcasing pieces of art and such from talented artists I know, and maybe even throwing my stuff up here now and then... Tuesdays is Tips and tricks day, so check back in for some ideas from artists around the net!